Navigation safety and knowledge of the ship’s behavior in the port environment are essential for port operations to be efficient and sustainable. To achieve these objectives, CoastalPort Engineering conducts Nautical Studies to support the development of safer projects and make operations more effective.

Navigation channel
and AtoN designs

Vessel maneuvering simulations

Mooring and motion analysis

Navigation windows and downtime

Underkeel clearance studies

Navigation channel
and AtoN designs

  • Concept and detailed design of horizontal channel dimensions 
  • Concept and detailed design of vertical channel dimensions
  • Preparation of Brazilian Navy’s NORMAM documentation for ports, waterways, power transmission lines and offshore wind farms
  • Design of Aids to Navigations (AtoN) and support with the proceeding with authorities
  • Buoy and anchorage systems design

Vessel maneuvering

  • Ship, barge and convoys maneuvering simulations
  • Assessment of design alternatives for port structures and waterways
  • Evaluation of operational limits and tug requirements
  • Development of risk assessment studies (EAR)
  • Multi-player maneuvering simulations

Mooring and motion

  • Static and dynamic vessel mooring analysis
  • Ship-to-ship, ship-to-barge and convoy mooring studies
  • Simulation of vessel motions and mooring loads under wave action
  • Analysis of operaitonal limits
  • Passing ships analysis

Navigation windows and

  • Assessment of operaional limits for vessel maneuvering and mooring
  • Metocean statistical data analysis for operational limits
  • Development of risk mitigation strategies
  • Preparation of risk management plans (PGR)
  • Development of emergency plans (PAE)

Underkeel clearance

  • Probabilistic assessment of bottom contact
  • Analysis of vessel motions under wave action
  • Definition of dredging requirements and safety margins
  • Assessment of limiting operational draft conditions
  • Implementation of Dynamic Underkeel Clearance systems