
Discover some of the projects developed by the CoastalPort Engineering team


Numerical hydrodynamic, dredging plume and morphodynamic modeling for environmental licensing of a port terminal in Aratu Bay, Bahia.

Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modeling for the construction of Marina Paranama, Ilha do Frade, Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia.

Morphodynamic and dredging plume modeling for the evaluation of the construction of dikes and the release of dredged material upstream, Rio Doce, Minas Gerais.

FEED design of aids to navigation for the Port of Imbituba, Santa Catarina.

Hydrodynamic and wave modeling to generate statistics on tidal, current and wave conditions at 19 construction sites for passenger tourist piers in Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia.

Geometric analysis and design review of the access channel for a port terminal on the coast of the state of Espírito Santo.

Hydrodynamic and wave modeling for simulations of ship maneuvers in a port terminal in Aratu Bay, Bahia.

Hydrodynamic, morphodynamic modeling and conceptual design of coastal structures for the construction of Pier Viração, Ilha do Frade, Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia.

Navigation study and preparation of documentation to comply with NORMAM 11 for the implementation of power transmission lines in the state of Paraná.

Probabilistic study of underkeel clearance to determine the recommended maximum draft in terminal berths in the state of Espírito Santo

Aids to navigation design for the demolition of the access channel to the port complex of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro.

Geometric analysis from the perspective of international standards of the largest dimensions of ships that can be operated in two terminal berths in the state of Espírito Santo.

Hydrodynamic and wave modeling for the implementation of a cargo transhipment terminal off the coast of Cananéia, São Paulo.

High-resolution hydrodynamic modeling for generating databases for a pilotage ship maneuvering simulator in Maranhão.

Statistical analysis of rainfall for planning port works in the region of Porto Velho, Rondônia.

Basic and detailed dredging design and supervision of dredged volumes for a terminal in the Port of São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina.

Hydrodynamic, wave and morphodynamic modeling for impact analysis and environmental licensing of an LNG terminal on the coast of the state of Maranhão.

Development of a conceptual design and documentation for the protocol within ANTAQ for the implementation of a barge terminal in the region of Porto Velho, Rondônia

Conceptual, FEED and detailed design and preparation of documentation to comply with NORMAM 11 for mooring systems for river convoys in the region of Porto Velho, Rondônia.

Study of the interference of the port terminal operation with the waterway traffic, in the region of Abaetetuba, Pará.

Environmental and Operational Risk Analysis Study for the environmental licensing of an LNG terminal in the state of Maranhão.

Bathymetric, geophysical (seismic and sonography) and geotechnical surveys for the elaboration of dredging and rock blasting design in the Port of Imbituba, Santa Catarina.

Conceptual design and preparation of documentation to comply with NORMAM 11 for mooring systems for river convoys in the region of Abaetetuba, Pará.

Engineering design, modeling of dredging plumes and preparation of a management plan for the expansion of the dredged material disposal area in the State of Espírito Santo.